Updated Time Tracking Apps for iOS and Android
22. August 2013
We have just published an update to our mobile apps for Android and iOS. Beside many stability improvements this release also adds more context to your time recording routine. At the bottom you will now see the company for which you are currently working, your status (working, break or signed out) and how much time you have worked today.
Previously you only had the information how long your current task was running. It should make it a bit easier to put your current work into context of your whole work day.
Both, iOS and Android updates, are already published and available in the Android Play Store and iTunes App Store.
As always, we appreciate any kind of feedback. Let us know what your must-have features are for a mobile time recording app. Our goal is to provide a simple interface which allows efficient task switching and gives enough information to organize your work day while still not overwhelming new users.
On every page you now have a very simple Feedback widget (bottom right) which gives you a one click way to communicate with us. If you have comments about blog posts, keep using the comment box below.